On this front cover they have gone for a bright and colourful issue which instantly draws to the public eye. The main photograph on this issue is of 'Florence and the Machine' which is positioned on the right hand side giving room for other photo's. The main photograph looks like a professional shot which is a great shot suggesting her money and fame as a musician. Alongside this main photograph is several others of musicians which shows a select few bands which are in the magazine to read up on. All the photo's used are professional shots which gives a good professional image for the full magazine making it authentic for the readers. From photo to photo the sub-headlines of the band names changes colour from black/yellow to red/white which are bright colour and very attractive and consistent. The colours used are white,red,yellow, and black and all these colours are strong and give a big impact to the readers eye.
The title of the magazine is bright red on a white background making it stand out for the readers so they know it's NME magazine. All of the text used is in block capitals making it all eye catching and attractive. The text is all mainly band names or music genres which gives the reader an insight into whats in this weeks issue.
The language used on this front page of the magazine is how the layout is structured with several sections of text and how it's all been parted from one another, the picture of all the bands in boxed sections and the main photograph which is bigger than the others. Along with all the headlines and sub-headlines.
The institution of the magazine is IPC Media who publish the magazine and also NME who produce all the information from the music industry and put it into their magazine.
The ideology for the magazine is that it's all about music so the idea's behind the text what is in the magazine will have come from the latest happenings in the music industry.
The audience for this magazine could be seen for an age of 16-19 however, it's mainly for anyone who is interested in the specific music genres which this magazine specifies on.
The representation shown in the pictures are that they're all part of bands or in the music industry with all of them being taken as professional photographs.
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